Church/School News
Saint Mary's Church
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St. Mary's School "Miracles Happen Here"
Lynsie K. Reavis (Principal)
- Kathleen Weslowski (Assistant to the Principal, Admissions Director, and 2nd Grade)
- Latonya Goodman (Office Manager)
- Lori Pavkov (Administrative Assistant)
(301) 292-2522/Fax (301) 292-2534
Internet Address:
Click above for video
Our Pre-Kindergarten Program
*Pre-K program for 3 and 4-year-olds
*Full program
*Christ-centered values and beliefs
*Highly experienced and qualified teacher and aides
*Small class sizes
*Safe and secure environment
*Kindergarten preparatory program
*Child-centered and developmentally appropriate
*Warm and nurturing environment
Contact: St. Mary's School of Piscataway
13407 Piscataway Road, Clinton, MD 20735
(301) 292-2522
2019-2020 Link for School Calendar
Pastor's Letter (Principal Reavis)
Support Your School!
Safeway, Food Lion, Giant, and Target contribute money or supplies to our school based on your purchases. Please register your card online today. Please ask your Grandparents and other family members to register as well!
LINK Safeway E-Scrip groceries and online purchases.
Enter St. Mary's ID=149361309
LINK Food Lion
Enter St. Mary's ID=212152
LINK Giant
Enter St. Mary's ID=00440
LINK Target
Enter St. Mary's ID=17936
Please continue to collect and send in Box Tops for Education and Campbell's Labels for Education as well...
Volunteer Child Protection Policy (VIRTUS)
The Archdiocese of Washington has set specific guidelines for the protection of the children in our schools. All employees and volunteers, prior to having substantial contact with the children, will be required to complete the Child Protection Clearance process.
This process includes: registering online, filling out a Volunteer Application form, attending at a three-hour Child Protection workshop and submitting a copy of your certificate, and returning a completed Acknowledgement form after reading the Child Protection booklet and completing a background check at the parish office. Any family wishing to begin the process may request an application packet through the parish/school
1. Register online at Please use your formal name.
2. Sign up for a live workshop on the same website. Please do not register twice, if you have registered and find your account inactive, please contact the parish office (301) 292-0527 and talk to Michele Fulk.
3. Attend the workshop as scheduled.
4. Fill out a Volunteer Application form (see link for form below). These can be picked up at either the parish or school office. Once these are completed, please bring this back to the office and ask for a copy for your records. The original will be sent to the Archdiocese and a copy saved in your Child Protection records at St. Mary's.
5. Read the Child Protection Handbook (which is handed out at the workshop) and sign the last page (Acknowledgement form-see link below), remove it from the book or print it from the link below and please bring this back to the office.
School families: if you submit a copy of the certificate of attendance at the workshop, we will apply the three-hour attendance toward your obligatory service (OBS) requirement. We will also apply the cost of your background check ($13.50) towards your OBS requirement upon submission of a copy of the receipt.
6. Please call (301) 292-2522 and make an appointment to come into the parish office for a background check. Please bring the following items to your fingerprinting appointment:
1) Check or Money order (payable to the St. Mary's Church)
Volunteer/Employee: $13.50,
2) Two valid government I.D.'s (one must be a picture I.D.):
Driver's License Issued Photo I.D.
US Birth Certificate
US Passport
US Passport or Passport card
Unexpired Foreign Passport
Alien Registration Card with Photograph
US Military I.D. Card
Military discharge/separation papers
Social Security Card
State/Federal Employee I.D. with signature and photo
Permanent Resident Card; and Certificate of Naturalization
The following information will be needed to complete the background check: Formal Name; Social Security Number, Current Address, Home Phone, E-mail address and primary service location (where are you are going to primarily volunteer); and your completed Volunteer Application form.
NOTE: If you do not take your training class soon after your background check you may be required to repeat your background check and pay another $13.50.
Remember: Any parent who may wish to volunteer for any school function or in the school in any capacity where he/she would have contact with the children, must go through this process. There will be no exceptions. Until the entire process is completed you may not have substantial contact with our children or vulnerable adults.
Employees of the Archdiocese of Washington must also be fingerprinted. Please call (301) 853-5363 Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to request an appointment. Cost is $34.50.
Click HERE for the Compliance Checklist for Volunteers.
Click HERE for the Compliance Checklist for ADW Employees.
Click HERE for the *Volunteer Application Form.
Click HERE for the ADW Child Protection site.
Click HERE for the Child Protection Policy Booklet (go to the last page for Booklet Acknowledgement Form.)
Click HERE for the Booklet Acknowledgement Form.
Click HERE for the Employee Fingerprinting schedule.
*This form requires a signature of either Mrs. May Robinson (for school volunteers) or Ms. Michel Pascual (for parish volunteers). Before you go to get your background check, please make sure your form is signed so you don't make a wasted trip!