St. Mary's Committees


St. Mary's of Piscataway runs smoothly with the help of many volunteers.  Without volunteers, we would not be able to offer all the fun activities around the Church.  Also, without the fundraisers, etc. we would not have the money to support some of these activities for our parish and our community.  Won't you help by joining a Committee today?  Just a little bit of your time is all we ask!  Please contact the Coordinator whose Committee you would like to join.  Thank you!

Activities Committee

Coordinator: Lulu Hester Alexander
Church Fundraisers, picnic, St. Mary's Annual Christmas Bazaar, International Dinner, movie nights, Quarter Auctions, recipe book, etc.

Building and Maintenance Committee

Coordinator: Roger Brown (301) 292-4452 ---- Upgraded St. Mary's Kitchen, removed dead trees, painted outside of the chapel, repaired the doors of the chapel, fixed broiler in Magnificat House, etc.

Evangelization and Spirituality Committee

Coordinator: To be a part of this growing committee or for more information, please contact Anne Marie Ramsey at (301) 868-0694. 
Vision:  Our Parish is a community of believers committed to our Catholic Faith, living the Gospel, serving as disciples of Jesus Christ, sharing the joy of the Gospel with those we encounter.
Objectives:  To increase our knowledge of the faith, build confidence/capabilities, enhance our prayer life, help those in need, outreach to others (including the unchurched, inactive, and non-Catholics).  Our plan is to work with our church leaders, ministries/groups, parishioners to advance our understanding of our mission and increase our abilities to evangelize others.  This can be done through prayer, praise and worship, seminars/talks/workshops, social events, individual talents and gifts, social media, educational materials, music, and other means.

Finance Committee

Coordinator: Ed Bednar (301) 283-2656 ---- This committee works with Father Baer and Lydia Vicente on financial matters.  Members are appointed to this committee by the pastor.

History and Research Committee

Coordinator: Volunteer Needed----Bill Keimig, our past Coordinator Researched and assembled the pastor's wall in the Main Church.  Involved in upgrades to the Main Church.  They are currently working on writing the history of St. Mary's Church of Piscataway which will be used as a fundraiser for improvements on Our Lady's Chapel.  He also coordinated with the Knights of Columbus to build the Cemetery for Unborn Children.   Please contact Father Baer if you are willing to head up this most important Committee.

Publicity Committee

Coordinator: Volunteer Needed  ---- please contact Father Baer if you are willing to head up this important Committee.  Advertising and promoting activities at St. Mary's Church and School of Piscataway.

St. Vincent de Paul Society Committee

Coordinator:  Roger Brown ---- These folks deliver food and supplies to our local community.  Also, they maintain our food pantry.  Roger, himself, interviews those coming to the parish office requiring assistance and works within the means of the parish to help those in need.