St. Mary's Sodality
The Sodality of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
For ALL Parishioners of St. Mary’s
The Sodality of St. Mary’s Parish was established by His Eminence, Patrick Cardinal O’Boyle of this Archdiocese on December 6, 1955, with Rev. Paul Repetti as its Spiritual Director. The Sodality is affiliated with the “Prima Primaria Sodality” of the Jesuit Roman College.
The Purpose of the Sodality is to foster in its members an ardent devotion, reverence, and filial love towards the Blessed Virgin Mary, whereby it will assist women in becoming better Catholics, dedicated to Jesus Christ, and the holy work of sanctifying themselves and their neighbors. Sodalists work and serve in many capacities within the parish community, such as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, gift bearers, adoration captains, parish council members, choir members, religious education workers, event organizers, etc. Sodalists are also involved in visiting the sick, shut-ins, and elderly and making bibs used in infant Baptisms. Sodalists are committed to prayer for the elderly, sick, and shut-ins.
The Sodality functions under the instructions and direction of the pastor, who thus serves as the Spiritual Director and Moderator of the organization. St. Mary’s Sodality Mass is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month (September through June) at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. A meeting in the Parish Hall follows the Mass. Executive Committee meetings are held once a month after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, following the regular meeting. These meetings are held in the Parish Office and all Sodalists are invited to attend.
Activities that our Sodality has been involved with include:
- Praying the Rosary on the First Sunday of each month before Mass
- Spiritual Retreats and Days of Recollections
- Providing a Spiritual Bouquet for the Holy Father
- Adopting and praying for a Cardinal and the Seminarians
- Collecting and distributing gifts to the Little Sisters of the Poor
- Collecting and distributing donations for the Forestville Pregnancy Center
- Contributing to the Parish School Scholarship Award
- Holding an annual three-day retreat at the Washington Retreat House
- Contributing to the Parish First Communion activities
- Supporting Father Baer's ministry at St. Mary's Parish
- Representing St. Mary's Parish at all general Sodality Union Meetings
- Participating in Commitment Day with the Sodality Union
- Participating in a weekly Rosary and Mass at Fort Washington Rehab
- Contributing to and participating in the Parish Bazaar
- Hosting Friday night Soup Supper during Lent
- Arranging St. Mary's Sodality Family Brunch (formerly the Mother/Daughter Brunch)
If you are interested in giving of your time, talents, and treasure through the work of the Sodality at our parish, feel free to contact Karen Voglezon,
Officers for 2018-2019 are:
- Prefect: Karen Voglezon (301) 292-6544
- Vice Prefect: Karen Macaluso
- Secretary: Kay Whittington
- Treasurer: Shirley Porter-Phillips
Sodality Membership Meetings for 2020-2021 (held in Parish Hall) after the 9:30 a.m. Mass: